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Senior Pastor: Dr. Lance T. Ketchum

Dr. and Mrs. Ketchum moved to Hutchinson, MN in 2004 after reopening Hutchinson Baptist Church the first Sunday in January of 2003. The church had been closed for three and a half years. They have served the Lord in numerous capacities since their salvation in the late 1960's. They have started numerous local churches and recovered a number of others.
Dr. Ketchum is a prolific writer and has authored numerous books, booklets, pamphlets, tracts, and Bible Charts, which are made available at his web site
Dr. and Mrs. Ketchum were married April 30th, 1965 and presently have four children, fifteen grandchildren, and ten great-grandchildren.
Mr. Braden Lindell

Church Secretary
Ladies' Advisor
Mrs. Patty Ketchum

Junior Church
Sunday School Director
Mrs. Julie Rydberg

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